yeah....these are supposed to be straight. haha. these are only the ones i pulled, too...got fed up. that first one that looks straight? yeah, not straight either. that last one? almost broke in two. i'm HOPING this is the only problem....but of course with something like 200 horsepower bangin' againts these poor things (considering that's what bent them in the first place) there's almost DEFINITELY something else fucked up....but i htink i'm gonna try and replace these first to just see.....would be a miracle if it works....
fyi...camshaft is full of oblong lobes that are arranged to push each of these rods at certain times to rock the rocker (previous pic) to open either the exhaust valve or the intake valve. the valve spring (other pic as well) keeps them naturally closed unless they are pushed. so when the pushrods DON'T work and the valves DON'T open and close...you get gasses (either rich intake gasses or possibly still combustible exhuast gasses) get stuck in the chamber and ignite at the wrong time causing a backfire through the carb like i'm getting now.
i've learned a shitload about engines in the past few days looking through all this shit and tearing raimi's insides out.....